Let’s Make Death a Part of Life.

Talking about death and dying shouldn’t be taboo.

I’m on a mission to change that.

FACT: We’re all going to die. It’s the one thing in this life that’s guaranteed. So, why not live with intention and plan for a meaningful death when the time comes?

Hi, I’m Aypril

I’m here to empower you through education and support.

Together, we’ll navigate the conversations about your eventual death, explore the choices you’d like to have, and help you communicate those wishes with your loved ones.

I also support caregivers because caring for people with chronic illness or at the end of life is physically, emotionally, and spiritually challenging.

What is a Death Doula?

A Death Doula is similar to a Birth Doula, just at the other end of life.

We provide non-medical, emotional, spiritual, and educational support at the end of life and for individuals and their family members.

No, Death Doulas do not replace Hospice or medical caregivers but are guides who support people through navigating the end-of-life, and grief process.


  • Education + Advanced Care Planning

    Learn about your end-of-life choices, and complete the paperwork needed to make your wishes known.

  • Caregiver Support

    Caring for family/friends at the end of life is challenging. Get the support you need with a trained death doula in your back pocket to answer questions and provide emotional support.

  • MAiD

    MAiD is legal in the state of WA. If this is something you're considering, get support from a MAiD trained doula.

  • EOL Coaching

    Emotional, spiritual, and grief coaching for people at or near the end of life.

  • Grief Coaching

    Grief coaching for the death of someone in your life or for a living loss (relationship, house, friendship, etc.)

  • Pediatric Doula Support

    Providing non-medical support for families with a child who has a life-threatening or chronic illness.